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EANTC test report: ADVA ConnectGuard™ Ethernet

Meeting enterprise demands for secure connectivity presents a serious challenge for communication service providers (CSPs). Customers are eager to host data or applications in centralized facilities but are reluctant to trust public or third-party networks. Available on ADVA FSP 150 devices, our ConnectGuard™ Ethernet provides encryption, key management, corrective controls, and tamper protection. It safeguards Carrier Ethernet services at 1Gbit/s and 10Gbit/s line speeds and offers port- and VLAN-based security domain assignment compliant with MEF CE 2.0. With ConnectGuard™ Ethernet, CSPs can deliver tailored encryption-as-a-service offerings in addition to end-to-end service level agreements and bandwidth on demand. 

To demonstrate to businesses that our technology really does provide robust Layer 2 security, including enhanced MACsec for overlay end-to-end encryption and tamper-resistant hardware, we decided to put it to the test. We wanted to show that our FSP 150 edge device with ConnectGuard™ Ethernet really does provide end-to-end protection together with the high-throughput, low-latency performance that today’s enterprises need. Alongside our Elite partner dacoso, we commissioned one of the world’s leading independent test centers to evaluate the performance of our solution. After three days of rigorous evaluation, the European Advanced Networking Test Center (EANTC) announced its results. 

Here you can read EANTC’s full report on the performance of our FSP 150 encryption edge device. Discover how EANTC were able to comprehensively verify the functionality of a range of our security features with different types of Carrier Ethernet services. Find out how our technology excelled in the trials, demonstrating low bandwidth consumption and low latency, and how it succeeded in delivering special features including OAM and tamper resistance. Get the detail on our ConnectGuard™ Ethernet security, your route to high-performance data protection, compliance with stringent regulations such as the EU’s GDPR, and true peace of mind.